International Investing
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Smart Investing

Why High Dividend Paying Stocks Are Overrated

Most of those people, however, preferred watching Dr. Who to digging into company annual reports. Few sifted through corporate tax information; accounts receivables; net and gross profit margins to see if a company was solid.

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Smart investing

Smart Investing

From theory to practice: Real ways to think about investing sustainably

It takes a lot of time – and even more smarts, research, and analysis – to successfully invest in individual stocks. So instead, many investors invest more broadly in specific countries or sectors using tools like funds.

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Smart Investing

Why Vanguard LifeStrategy ETFs Are Still The Best Funds In Europe

If you’ve been investing for the past several years, you might be pulling your hair out. Perhaps you bought a great stock based on a solid track record. You might have purchased a fund that posted great performance and had a genius at the helm. Then the investments crashed.

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Investing Ideas


Investing Ideas

Beauty‑Branche auf Gesundheitstrip

Sie wächst und wächst: Mit einem jährlichen Plus von rund 5 Prozent beeindruckt die globale Beauty‑Branche die Anleger mit ihrer unglaublichen Konstanz. Hinter diesem Erfolg zeichnen sich allerdings gravierende Veränderungen ab.

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Investing Ideas

Asien: Eldorado für Beauty‑Marken

Die gesamte Schönheitsindustrie blickt gebannt auf Asien. Denn Südkorea erweist sich als wahre Inspirationsquelle – und China ebenso wie Indien sind wichtige Wachstumsmärkte.

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Wealth building

Wealth Building

How The Rich and the Upper Middle Class Often Financially Hurt Their Children

How The Rich and the Upper Middle Class Often Financially Hurt Their Children The late Thomas Stanley, author of The Millionaire Next Door, would have approved.


Wealth Building

What Would You Do For Money?

Nobody is really going to offer you, or anyone else, money to spend a year in prison. But it’s worth discussing what we might do for money…and why.

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Smart Investing

Is This American-German Couple Saving Enough For Retirement?

Forty-six year old American, Amber Rhinehart and her fifty-two year old German husband, Johannes, took a financial risk when they moved abroad. The couple has spent most of their careers working overseas.

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Smart Investing

Retirees Might Need More Than $4.5 Million To Keep Up With This Teaching Couple

Choose Europe if you want the lifestyle or the Middle East or Asia if you want to earn a lot of money.” But when the dust settles, I often find that international teachers who chose Europe have higher income upon retirement. That might not make sense. But I explain here.

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