Digital offer with Baloise Vie Luxembourg





Your individual unit-linked life insurance policy (with no guaranteed return) distributed by Swissquote Bank Europe as an insurance agency of Baloise Vie Luxembourg.

Accessible from EUR 500’000

For French and Luxembourg tax residents

Fonds d’assurance spécialisé (FAS) pour une gestion autonome de vos investissements

Univers d’investissement large : actions, ETF, fonds et produits structurés

Multi-currency contract


Subscription steps


1. Complete the contact form via Open an account

2. Complete a suitability test to define your situation, your objectives, your knowledge and your experience. This will allow us to check if the contract is appropriate for your requirements and needsand whether you are eligible to take out the contract

3. If you are eligible, you will receive all the pre-contractual and contractual documentation

4. Opening of a trading account with Swissquote Bank Europe

5. The agent contacts you by telephone (after obtaining your consent) to exercise their duty to advise

6. Funds are transferred into the securities account

7. The Baloise Vie Luxembourg subscription form is sent to you, to be completed and signed electronically and returned to us

8. The insurer analyses and validates your application

9. Once confirmation has been received from the insurer, the premium is paid into your life insurance contract. The waiver period begins. The special conditions are issued and sent to you for signature



All you need to know about Luxembourg life insurance

What are the advantages of choosing Luxembourg?

Triangle of security

The triangle of security is a legal protection mechanism put in place by Luxembourg's regulator to protect assets representing the insurance company's commitments. It takes the form of a tripartite agreement between an insurance company, a custodian bank and the Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA). The insurance company must deposit assets representing its commitments in an account separate from its own assets and with a CAA-approved custodian bank. The CAA then carries out regular checks on the insurance company's provisions.

Super Privilege

This privilege is granted to a policyholder in the event their insurer defaults. Super privilege entitles the policyholder to recover assets before any creditor - in particular the state, social security bodies, shareholders and employees.

Tax Neutrality

There is no tax friction from holding a Luxembourg policy. The policyholder will be taxed according to their tax residence.

What are the contract charges?

The charges applicable to the contract are detailed in Section 3 of the life insurance contract.

Entry Fee: None

Custodian fees: 0.06% excl. tax/year/p>

Administrative management fee:


Subscription amountAdministrative management fees*
EUR 500'0000.65%
EUR 1.000'000 0.55%
EUR 2'500'000 0.45%
EUR 5'000'000 0.35%
EUR 10'000'000 0.30%

*An annual administrative fee is charged for administrative follow-up and verification of the compliance of the insurance contract will be charged in addition to the administrative management fee. They range from EUR 150 to EUR 500 depending on the value of the Contract at 31 December of the previous year. This fee varies in proportion to the latest Luxembourg harmonised consumer price index (HICP) published by the national institute for statistics and economic studies (STATEC).

What is the SIF investment universe?

The SIF investment universe varies according to the type of subscriber, as defined by circular 15/3 (i.e. Type A, B, C, or D).

The Circular 15/3 sets out the rules for investments in the various vehicles offered by Luxembourg life insurance. You can read more about Circular 15/3 on the CAA website: Circ15_3.pdf ( Circ15_3.pdf (

For products distributed by Baloise Vie Luxembourg's "digital solution", the investment universe is defined in the document entitled ‘Swissquote FAS Investment Universe Proposal’. This provides for:

  • Equities
  • Bonds
  • ETFs
What is the policyholder classification?

The policyholder classification, as defined by circular 15/3 depends both on the amount invested by the policyholder in all his policies with the insurance company and on the declaration of his assets in transferable securities..

Policyholder classificationMinimum investmentDeclared securities assets
Type AEUR 125'000EUR 250'000
Type BEUR 250'000EUR 500'000
Type CEUR 250'000EUR 1'250'000
Type DEUR 1'000'000EUR 2'500'000

Depending on their classification, a subscriber will have access to a wider or narrower range of assets.

Is it possible to invest in several currencies?

You can invest in EUR, USD, GBP and CHF. We can also offer other currencies on request.

What is the minimum amount required to open a contract with Baloise Vie Luxembourg?

The Baloise contract is available from EUR 500'000.

For amounts below this, please contact us at

Who can subscribe?

The contract is intended for subscribers who are natural persons resident in France or Luxembourg for tax purposes and who hold a securities account with Swissquote Bank Europe.

How is my policy taxed?

The taxation of your policy depends on your tax residency.

Who is the insurer?

The insurer is Baloise Vie Luxembourg (product designer), and the contract is distributed by Swissquote Bank Europe SA (product distributor), a branch of Baloise Vie Luxembourg.