International Investing

Exclusive insights for smarter investing

saving money

Saving Money Matters More Than Your Investment Choices

Wealth is often associated with flashy cars, expensive wine, and designer watches. Yet, many of the most financially successful individuals choose a more understated lifestyle. In his latest article, Andrew Hallam explores the key differences between those who choose mind set and long-term financial strategy and those who prioritise immediate gratification.


Are You Afraid of Overpriced Tech Stocks in Your ETFs?

Many globally diversified ETFs are becoming increasingly concentrated in US technology stocks, which could pose a risk if the tech sector faces a downturn. In his latest article, Andrew Hallam explores two strategies that may help investors mitigate this risk and maintain a more balanced investment approach.


How Will Stocks, Bonds, Gold and Bitcoin Perform in 2025?

2024 was a standout year for investors, with US stocks and bitcoin leading the charge. Will the positive momentum continue into 2025?



Can You Match Stock Market Gains Without Downside Risk?

Hedge funds are often praised for generating above-average returns while simultaneously offering portfolio protection during market downturns. But how have they actually performed against benchmarks like the S&P 500 over the past two decades?

sign board

Why John Bogle was Wrong and What It Means for Young Investors

It may seem counterintuitive, but consistently investing money in stagnating or falling markets can be a smart strategy for young investors.

The Real Reason Most Europeans Don’t Invest

The Real Reason Most Europeans Don’t Invest

Limited financial literacy and a preference for savings products force many European to retire later in life.


You Just Sold a Business, a Second Home or Inherited A Windfall: Should You Hire a Professional Wealth Manager To Invest Your Money?

Have you recently sold your business and started looking at ways to reinvest your earnings? There are a number of things to consider.

Why You Should Avoid Or Sell These Popular ETFs

Why You Should Avoid Or Sell These Popular ETFs

"Smart investing isn’t about chasing past winners. Nor is it about predicting the future."

Just Starting Your Career? Save €30 A Day To Become A Multi-Millionaire

Just Starting Your Career? Save €30 A Day To Become A Multi-Millionaire

How to beat the government pension crunch with just €30 a day.


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